Blaturi din piatră naturalăPearl Delta quartz-made kitchen countertop and edgeband

Do you know what we like most about our profession? Exactly the moment when we pleasantly surprise you with the result obtained. This time we want to present you a kitchen countertop with a edgeband.

The kitchen is more than the space where it is cooked. It is the place where the whole family comes together to share experiences and emotions. We chose to arrange the core of the house with a kitchen countertop and a edgeband made of Pearl Delta quartz.

The elements that characterize this work are unique design, quality, style and attention to detail. The Art-Granit team carefully chose each element, as a whole, to create an impeccable countertop. And, things done meticulously and carefully will certainly not disappoint expectations.

Below you can see the images with our recent work, which can inspire you to make a successful choice!

Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală Blaturi din piatră naturală